Mixed Reality Karting All Projects

Mixed Reality Karting

Mixed Reality Karting is a proof-of-concept project which has been realised by Mediaan. I was fortunate enough to be able to work on this proof-of-concept in the summer of 2017-2018. I hadn't any experience with the Game Engine Unity or the Microsoft Hololens. This wasn't much of a hold back for me because it went pretty smooth. I was guided into the project by another student which had some experience with the Hololens and Unity. We were asked to try to push the limits of the device to see where its limitations are and what we can reach with the technology available today. We stumbled upon some limitations really quick during the developing progress. One of these limitations where the processing power of the device itself (Hololens). We were able to display travelling speed, apex corners and other guidelines for the driver, at least if the speed didn't increase to much.